MRI Safety Information

NeoChord is a privately held medical technology company leading the advancement of beating heart mitral valve repair in patients suffering from mitral valve regurgitation.
NeoChord ConsultConnect and ConnectCARD is a medical consultation and service related to delivery of artificial chordae tendineae for treatment of mitral insufficiency. The NeoChord Artificial Chordae Delivery System, Model DS1000, meets the essential requirements referred to in Article 3 of the MDD 93/42/EEC and is labeled with the CE marking of conformity.
NEOCHORD, DS1000, RECHORD, NEOCHORD CONSULTCONNECT, CONNECTCARD, ACCHORD, ULTRACHORD, the stylized logos, and Transforming Mitral Valve Repair are registered trademarks or service marks of NeoChord, Inc.
CAUTION: Investigational Device Limited by Federal (United States) Law to Investigational Use.